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Integrated Elevator Solutions
Secure and efficient destination dispatch

Single card solution for building and elevator access

The C•CURE 9000 integration with Fujitec elevators allows security operators to more securely and efficiently manage elevator access.
Elevator passengers present their access card to a reader. Based on C·CURE service patterns (which are new objects that can be thought of as similar to clearances), the elevator display will indicate which floors that cardholder can access.
In high-traffic applications such as multitenant buildings, the integration works seamlessly with turnstiles to provide the identification functionality needed to ensure passengers access only authorized elevators and floors.
Seamlessly integrates Fujitec elevators with
C•CURE 9000 -
Grants passenger access only to authorized floors
Helps improve elevator traffic distribution during peak times
Manage all elevator access from the C•CURE 9000 admin